Young interior designers’ creative pattern to draw potential consumers’ attention: Expectation, capital, and strategy
Published 2024-06-01
abstract views: 81 // Full text article (PDF): 111
- Design management,
- creative strategy,
- marketing application,
- design quality
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One of the initial problems faced by young interior designers is to make a creative pattern to draw potential consumers’ attention. Their belief in the creative pattern should fit consumers’ expectations. This study scrutinized the relationship between young interior designers and potential consumers about both expectation, designers’ capital, and designers’ strategy to capture the pattern in the design market. To this end, young interior designers (n=100) and potential design consumers (n=100) were recruited as respondents. Multiple linear regression and ordinal logisic regression were applied. The data analysis result demonstrated young designers’ marketing patterns to draw potential consumers’ attention. A correlation was found between young designers and design consumers. The expectation, capital, and strategy of designers were found to be interrelated by 48.1%, while those of consumers were interrelated by 28.6%. The research variables, which are designer capital, designer strategy and the two respondent groups, were found to have an impact on the expectation by 94.5%. This study concludes that young designers have a marketing pattern to draw potential consumers’ attention. It showed a relationship between designers’ and consumers’ expectations, designers’ capital or information received by consumers, and designers’ strategy. This study may serve as a reference for young designers’ behaviors when entering the market design.
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