International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)
Review Article

Assessing the Psychosocial Impacts of Industry 4.0 Technologies Adoption in the Operator 4.0: Literature Review & Theoretical Framework

Ruksana Adattil
University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden
Peter Thorvald
University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden
David Romero
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico

Published 2024-03-11

abstract views: 348 // REFERENCES (PDF): 0


  • Operator 4.0,
  • Work design,
  • Psychosocial work environment,
  • Shop floor operations,
  • Collaborative technologies

How to Cite

Adattil, R., Thorvald, P., & Romero, D. (2024). Assessing the Psychosocial Impacts of Industry 4.0 Technologies Adoption in the Operator 4.0: Literature Review & Theoretical Framework. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 15(1), 59–80.


Emerging digital and smart technologies, including wearable and collaborative ones, related to the Industry 4.0 paradigm are playing an assisting, collaborative, and augmenting role for the Operator 4.0, and just as in previous industrial revolutions, the nature of work and the workplace for operators on the shop floor is changing. This literature review aims to look into the impact of digital and smart technologies adoption on the workers’ psychosocial stage under the light of the Operator 4.0 typology. Based on the review conducted, a theoretical framework for assessing the psychosocial impacts (risks) of Industry 4.0 technologies adoption in Operator 4.0 is proposed. The framework can be utilized by company managers, researchers, production engineers, and human resources personnel for carrying out a psychosocial risk assessment of Operator 4.0 in assembly, maintenance, and training operations as these operations get digitally transformed and smartified based on self-report questionnaires. Findings reveal that the nature of work, the social and organizational environment of work, and related individual factors are key categories that might affect the Operator 4.0 psychosocial stage on the shop floor.

Article history: Received (August 27, 2023); Revised (February 20, 2024); Accepted (February 26, 2024); Published online (March 5, 2024)

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