Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design

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Information For Authors


All papers for consideration by the Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design (JGED) should be submitted via SUBMISSION SYSTEM.

JGED journal does not have Article Processing Charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. Thus, authors are not charged for submission nor for the publication of their manuscripts.


Journal of graphic engineering and design has a double-blind review process. The review process is under the control of the Editor who ensures fair play and confidentiality and decides about the publication on the basis of the reviews. The topic-specific reviewers are chosen by the Editor and Editorial Board and are contacted by the Editor. The reviewing process is limited to 30 working days and if the reviewer is not able to fulfill the time limit the Editor can change the reviewer.

In the main review phase, the Editor sends submitted papers to 2 experts in the field. The reviewers’ evaluation form contains a checklist in order to help referees cover all aspects that can decide the fate of a submission. In the final section of the evaluation form, the reviewers must include observations and suggestions aimed at improving the submitted manuscript; these are sent to authors, without the names of the reviewers.

All of the reviewers of a manuscript remain anonymous to the authors before, during, and after the evaluation process. All of the reviewers of a paper act independently and they are not aware of each other’s identities. If the decisions of the two reviewers are not the same (accept/reject), the Editor may assign additional reviewers. During the review process Editor may require authors to provide additional information (including raw data) if they are necessary for the evaluation of the scholarly merit of the manuscript. These materials shall be kept confidential and must not be used for personal gain.

The Editorial team shall ensure reasonable quality control for the reviews. With respect to reviewers whose reviews are convincingly questioned by authors, special attention will be paid to ensure that the reviews are objective and high in academic standard. When there is any doubt with regard to the objectivity of the reviews or the quality of the review, additional reviewers will be assigned.

List of Reviewers for JGED

Please follow the Reviewer guidelines if you are involved in the manuscript review process.


All the sent manuscripts should be formatted according to the guidelines for the authors. The manuscripts should be sent in *.doc or *.docx (MS Word format) and PC formatted. The language of the journal is British English and all text should be written according to it.

Formats and Styles

The manuscript should be max. 12 A4 pages and papers below 4 A4 pages shall be regarded as Short Communications and will not be published. The text should be formatted with 10 pt Times, Figures and Tables in 10 pt Times italic. Figures and pictures should be either in vector format (*.eps, *.ai, *svg, etc.) or in high resolution bitmap format (min. 300 ppi) with preferably lossless formats (*.TIFF, *.BMP) or in JPEG with high quality settings. Typed tables are not regarded as figures. They have to be numbered separately (Table 1, Table 2, etc) with all necessary text or comments placed above them. The authors should mark which author is the corresponding author whose email and contact address will be published. All equations should be numbered in brackets:

E = mc2 (1)

If the software code is presented in paper, if possible, place the code into a table. The papers will be published in hardcopy and online, and all corresponding authors will receive a hardcopy of the issue in which is their paper published.


List funding sources before References chapter to facilitate compliance to funder’s requirements. Example: This work was supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project “MAKERS: Smart Manufacturing for EU Growth and Prosperity” [grant agreement number xxxx, yyyy].
It is not necessary to include detailed descriptions on the program or type of grants and awards. When funding is from a block grant or other resources available to a university, college, or other research institution, submit the name of the institute or organization that provided the funding. If no funding has been provided for the research, please include the following sentence: “This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.”


The references in text should be prepared in Harvard style (author, date). The reference list should be sorted in alphabetical order by author/editor. Please provide all the required elements in the references to your paper. Please pay particular attention to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Accuracy and completeness of references are the responsibilities of the author. Before submitting your article, please ensure you have checked your paper for any relevant references you may have missed. It also implies to follow up the rules considering the number of authors:

» one author (Novaković, 2001);
» two authors (Novaković & Kašiković, 2001);
» three authors (Novaković, Kašiković & Vladić, 2001);
» four or more authors (Novaković et al., 2001).

If you cite a work that has the same author and was written in the same year as an earlier citation, than it should be cited as follows: (Novaković, 2008a; Novaković, 2008b).

Secondary references should be written as:
» According to Novaković & Kašiković (2005) as cited by Vladić et al. (2008) most printing techniques ....

If a direct quote from a book, article, etc., then use single quotation marks and state the page number:
» Novaković (2001) stated that the principle of direct printing techniques .....(p.12).

You should provide an in-text citation for any images, illustrations, photographs, diagrams, tables or figures that you reproduce in your work, and provide a full reference as with any other type of work. They should be treated as direct quotes in that the author(s) should be acknowledged and page numbers shown; both text where the diagram is discussed or introduced, and in the caption you write for it:
» In-text -Table illustrating checklist of information for common sources (Pears and Shields, 2008: p.22). or
» Geological map of the easternmost region of São Nicolau’ (Ramalho et al., 2010: p.532).

If you need to cite a piece of work which does not have an obvious author, you should use what is called a ‘corporate’ author (KBA, 2009). When more than one publication by the same author is being used, in the reference list at the end of the paper they should be listed in date order beginning with the oldest published one.

When more than one publication is being cited in body text at once, list the publications in date order beginning with the oldest published and use semi-coma as separator:

(Pal, 2001; Vladić et al., 2005; Novaković, 2008a; Novaković, 2008b; Novaković, 2010).