Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design

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Vol. 15 No. 3 (2024): JGED - September 2024
Professional paper

Impact of the colour perception of graphic design on promoting tourist destinations of Southeast Europe

Dinko Zhulien Stoykov
South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Faculty of Engineering, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Published 2024-09-01

abstract views: 76 // Full text article (PDF): 69


  • Colour perception,
  • tourism logo and slogan,
  • graphic design

How to Cite

Zhulien Stoykov, D. (2024). Impact of the colour perception of graphic design on promoting tourist destinations of Southeast Europe. Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 15(3), 21–29. Retrieved from


Graphic design plays a crucial role in branding and marketing in the current digital era. Digital marketing impacts the promotion of tourist destinations. Tourism has become an important and growing sector that has influenced the development of a country's economy. Colour as an element of graphic design evokes emotions and sets a certain mood for an image or graphic. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of colour perception in graphic design in promoting tourist destinations of Southeast Europe (SEE). We aim to explore the relationship between graphic design and the tourism industry in SEE countries, focusing on their tourism logos and slogans for advertising their tourist destinations. The analysis of the main characteristics of logos and slogans shows that they can be effective tools for promoting and supporting tourism in countries in the SEE region. It was observed that there is compatibility between the colours used in the logo and the country flag in 64% of the tourism logos of SEE countries. The colour green is the most commonly used colour in logo design.

Article historyReceived (August 21, 2023); Revised (October 24, 2023); Accepted (November 15, 2023); Published online (September 1, 2024)

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