Journal of Production Engineering

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Vol. 7 No. 7 (1990): Former "Proceedings of the Institute of Production Engineering"
Original Research Article

The contribution to research into hydrostatic bearings

Ljubomir Borojev
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Departman for Production Engineering, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

Published 1990-12-01

abstract views: 10 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 7


  • hydrostatic bearing,
  • spindles

How to Cite

Borojev, Ljubomir. 1990. “The Contribution to Research into Hydrostatic Bearings”. Journal of Production Engineering 7 (7):159-67.


The paper presents one part of the researches considering the hydrostatic bearing system for machine tools spindles. Performed investigations refer mainly to experimental model design and its testing. After a short dealing with some hydrostat hearings parameters, the problems related to the manufacture are pointed out. Further, the calculation procedure of radial hydrostatic bearings for a grinding machine spindle is discussed. The fundamental data about construction and manufacture of some parts of experimental model are given. Main characteristics of spindle drive and whole hydraulic installation are cited too. The performances investigation is described in detail, and some of obtained results are presented. The comparison of experimental and calculated results is done with analysis of their deviation. Finally, the brief consideration about performed research phase is given and the possibility of precisely determination of hydrostatic bearing performances, using such a way, is pointed out.

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