Journal of Production Engineering

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Vol. 24 No. 2 (2021)
Original Research Article

Metal cutting is it still of interest to anyone?

Felicia Veronica Banciu
Politehnica University of Timișoara, Mechanical Faculty, Department of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, No 1 M. Viteazul Av., Timișoara, Roamnia
Eugen Pamintas
Politehnica University of Timișoara, Mechanical Faculty, Department of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, No 1 M. Viteazul Av., Timișoara, Roamnia

Published 2023-10-11

abstract views: 21 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 25


  • cutting process,
  • the phenomenon of metal cutting, cutting geometry,
  • fundamental research,
  • applied research

How to Cite

Veronica Banciu, Felicia, and Eugen Pamintas. 2023. “Metal Cutting Is It Still of Interest to Anyone?”. Journal of Production Engineering 24 (2):1-4.


For almost 100 years, the phenomena in the metal cutting process have offered researchers in the field a wide range of research topics, and at the same time, as much satisfaction, both in terms of deepening theoretical knowledge, especially in terms of the practical results obtained. Interest in this field has declined dramatically, however, since the beginning of the third millennium. Has the cutting process reached the limits of knowledge by their exhaustion or has it become inefficient for industry compared to other new processes for manufacturing metallic, non-metallic materials and composites? Why is the field no longer as attractive to researchers? Here is what this paper tries to clarify and propose to researchers in the field to reinvent the approach of the cutting process, as an incomplete explored and still excellent perspective, not only for the manufacturing industry, but also for the theoretical foundations of the cutting phenomenon.

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