Journal of Production Engineering

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Vol. 25 No. 1 (2022)
Original Research Article

The application of new industrial maintenance concepts - an easy way to saving money

Felicia Veronica Banciu
Politehnica University of Timișoara, Mechanical Faculty, Department of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, No 1 M. Viteazul Av., Timișoara, Roamnia
Eugen Pamintas
Politehnica University of Timișoara, Mechanical Faculty, Department of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, No 1 M. Viteazul Av., Timișoara, Roamnia
Anamaria Ioana
Politehnica University of Timișoara, Mechanical Faculty, Department of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, No 1 M. Viteazul Av., Timișoara, Roamnia

Published 2023-10-03

abstract views: 24 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 24


  • Maintenance concepts,
  • total productive maintenance,
  • managerial decisions,
  • implementation guides,
  • productive efficiency,
  • benefits
  • ...More

How to Cite

Veronica Banciu, Felicia, Eugen Pamintas, and Anamaria Ioana. 2023. “The Application of New Industrial Maintenance Concepts - an Easy Way to Saving Money”. Journal of Production Engineering 25 (1):48-52.


Since the beginning of the current millennium, various professional organizations, research institutes, scientific papers in journals and various conferences around the world, address the issue of maintenance, generically speaking, both theoretically, directly or tangentially and by examples of benefits in industry for various production processes, machines and installations. However, recent studies and reports reveal that even in highly industrially developed countries, company management aims to improve maintenance in only about 15% of cases for the next plan year. Why, this is the question? This paper will try to provide answers and even propose possible solutions to increase the applicability in industry of new concepts and theories of maintenance. The arguments used are less oriented on the technical side, they are mainly focused on the “money” indicator, close to the understanding of the company's senior management, i.e. on how huge material benefits can be obtained compared to the insignificant investment expenses.

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