Journal of Production Engineering

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Vol. 21 No. 1 (2018)
Original Research Article

Sensitivity analysis of laser welding process by ANFIS methodology

Mladen Marsenic
University of Priština, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica, Kneza Milosa 7, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
Srđaj Jović
University of Priština, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica, Kneza Milosa 7, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia

Published 2023-11-26

abstract views: 26 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 17


  • ANFIS,
  • laser welding,
  • prediction,
  • sensitivity

How to Cite

Marsenic, Mladen, and Srđaj Jović. 2023. “Sensitivity Analysis of Laser Welding Process by ANFIS Methodology”. Journal of Production Engineering 21 (1):45-48.


In this study was analyzed the influence of laser welding parameters on output parameters prediction. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was applied for the variable selection process to determine the parameters influence on the lap-shear strength and weld-seam width prediction. The used inputs were: laser power, welding speed, stand-off distance and clamping pressure. Experimental test were used to acquire the training data for the ANFIS network. The ANFIS network was used to predict the lap-shear strength and weld-seam width according to the input variables separately. Root mean square error (RMSE) was used as statistical indicators for comparison. The results from this study could be used as benchmark results in order to improve the laser welding process.

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