Journal of Production Engineering

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Vol. 21 No. 2 (2018)
Original Research Article

Rule based process selection of milling processes based on GD&T requirements

Dusan Sormaz
Ohio University, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 1 Ohio University, Stocker Center 284, Athens, OH 45701, USA
Ronny Gouveia
Ohio University, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 1 Ohio University, Stocker Center 284, Athens, OH 45701, USA
Arkopaul Sarkar
Ohio University, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 1 Ohio University, Stocker Center 284, Athens, OH 45701, USA

Published 2018-12-30

abstract views: 32 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 37


  • CAPP,
  • Process Planning,
  • Milling Sequence

How to Cite

Sormaz, Dusan, Ronny Gouveia, and Arkopaul Sarkar. 2018. “Rule Based Process Selection of Milling Processes Based on GD&T Requirements”. Journal of Production Engineering 21 (2):19-26.


The IMPlanner is an ongoing CAPP software project that enables rapid and detailed process selection of manufacturing processes based on specific details of CAD models such as GD&T requirements and feature recognition. A mapping of the different manufacturing routes possible for a given CAD design are outputted by the software, electing the optimal solution. Previously this software focused mainly on hole making operations however, further research has enabled its expansion towards milling operations.

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