Advanced Technologies and Materials

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Vol. 33 No. 1-2 (2008): Journal for Technology of Plasticity
Original articles

Selection of manufacturing concepts for small batch sheet metal forming operations

Tomaž Pepelnjak
Forming Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Aleš Petek
Forming Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Karl Kuzman
Forming Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Published 2008-12-26

abstract views: 13 // Full text article (PDF): 8


  • Small batch production,
  • Sheet metal,
  • Technology selection

How to Cite

T. Pepelnjak, A. Petek, and K. Kuzman, “Selection of manufacturing concepts for small batch sheet metal forming operations”, Adv Techn Mat, vol. 33, no. 1-2, pp. 91–101, Dec. 2008.


Manufacturing process design for small batch sheet metal forming operations demands special concepts like incremental forming, forming at locally increased temperatures, rapid tooling, fast and reliable preparatory operations,... According to this it is needed to improve and control friction conditions and to combine mentioned concepts for optimal technological solutions. The objective of the proposed work is to study specific production parameters for particular manufacturing process considering also their integration into uniform system. For this purpose the decision making matrix shall be determined focused on the optimal selection and combination of available technologies for the small batch. The set-up of such decision matrix linking conventional and new innovative forming processes and at the same time assuring their robustness in all steps is new in the sheet metal forming of small batch components.

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