Advanced Technologies and Materials

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Vol. 32 No. 1-2 (2007): Journal for Technology of Plasticity
Original articles

On the drawing limit in micro deep drawing

Frank Vollertsen
BIAS Bremer Institut fuer angewandte Strahltechnik, Germany
Zhenyu Hu
BIAS Bremer Institut fuer angewandte Strahltechnik, Germany

Published 2007-12-21

abstract views: 10 // Full text article (PDF): 11


  • micro deep drawing,
  • limit drawing ratio

How to Cite

F. Vollertsen and Z. Hu, “On the drawing limit in micro deep drawing”, Adv Techn Mat, vol. 32, no. 1-2, pp. 1–12, Dec. 2007.


Micro deep drawing becomes a more and more industrial relevant process. But due to size effects new challenges are involved in this process compared to macro deep drawing. The size effects cause an increase of friction and thus hinder the material flow. Therefore the limit drawing ratio in micro deep drawing becomes smaller than that in macro forming. The effect of changes concerning friction and flow behavior on drawing limit in micro deep drawing is subject of the presented investigations in this paper. Scaled deep drawing experiments were carried out with five different punch diameters, whereby the tribological size effects were observed: the friction coefficient between workpiece and tools increases if the process dimension decreases.

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